Its time to get serious.
I am going to enroll in weight watchers here pretty soon, within the next few weeks.
I have purchased a bow flex tread climber, which has been kicking my butt. I have purchased a tricycle bike, and have been enjoying the times I've gotten to go ride. I have gotten central air, so now there are noooooo more excuses!! I have also been told recently that I am pre-diabetic and I have been experiencing some leg problems in that there is tingling and numbness about. I have been mentally preparing myself for a while now that I am getting serious about losing weight. At times, when eating out, I have even been sharing plates with Scott so I haven't been eating so much. At home however I do still feel I have been eating the same amounts for majority of the time.I have been cooking out of this cookbook though lately "cook this not that" which has very healthy portions but cuts allot of fats and calories. I really struggle however when it comes to pasta dishes. I just want to eat more and more. Its the peak of my addiction. Speaking of which I have been watching here and there "My Strange Addiction" and it has people on there eating very strange things like dryer sheets, dry wall, etc, and my first response is that's disgusting. and it is. But so is eating like a pig. Have you seen spirited away? In this movie a young girls parents eat a feast at a carnival type scene. before she knows it her parents are pigs. Literally, she can't pull them away. and that's how I feel. Sometimes I feel like I can't even pull myself away. I've been watching another shows - reruns "Ruby" Its about a super super obese woman who lives in Savannah Georgia, and I almost feel like I am her. I feel like I weigh/look as big as she is. And this to me comes at no surprise. I am really relating to here story. I look back on pictures when I thought I was fat. But looking back I wasn't that bad. I was looking very good. Not only good but I just looked so much happier. I am ready for a change and I am going to take this change running at full speed!
Good post, though I do have to say food is like one of my favorite parts of life. So eating like pig, shoot, it's hard not to.